Friday, September 4, 2009

I Pledge

There have been a lot of comments out there about a video shown at an elementary school. The outrage is warranted for many reasons as Hollywood elitist seek to influence us through this type of video. For those who have not seen the video, there are pledges to be nice, to protect the environment, to serve and to become a servant to President Obama. The question for these elitist is “Do they really think that we are so weak minded that their “I Pledge” video would have an impact on us?”

If you haven't seen the video, here it is.

We all take pledges in our lives. They should not be taken lightly because the Bible instructs us to let our yes be yes and our no’s be no. Any pledge taken must be from a heart dedicated to making that pledge happen, therefore I have decided to list out my pledges.

I Pledge…

To be servant to only one man, the God Man Jesus Christ.

To be a husband solely dedicated to my wife and no others.

To be a father that loves and leads my family.

To be dedicated to my church family as I serve alongside them.

To be a steward of our environment and a worshiper of God - not His creation.

To seek after righteousness first.

To seek Biblical justice - not man’s version of fairness.

To stand on TRUTH, who is a man named Jesus Christ.

To seek wisdom from the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

To expose those who would seek to influence my family with myths and lies.

To pray for the leaders God has put over us, and those He is raising up to replace them in the future.

To ignore anything the actors from the I Pledge video do in the future, which includes their movies, TV shows,…

How about you? What do you pledge to do, to be, to become, to stand upon…? You have choices to make. Don’t be influenced by those who what to limit your freedoms as they freely go about their business.


Smelling Coffee said...

James, I am so proud of you for being the strong man that you are. And, I'm so thankful that you have made these pledges. You are a man of integrity and I'm so blessed to be your wife. I love you... Jen

Anonymous said...

I greatly respect a man who would make the pledges of integrity that you are making!

Carolina Mama said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere! And what a great post about these great pledges! God Bless! You'll love blogging, I met your great wife here! :) You may love Thomas Nelson's - it's Michael Hyatt's blog. It's great.

God's Girl Pearl said...

So glad to see you on here! Can't wait to hear a little Memphis James' wisdom.

Did you catch Jason Bateman's pledge in this video? What?????

Smelling Coffee said...

Oooh gross! Christy, you're right. What's up with that?! I hope Jason Bateman never comes to our house! ha ha!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Welcome to blogland....and I agree with your post 100%.

What powerful truths you've shared, and I agree....Im taking my pledges seriously before my savior!!

L Harris said...

I'd never seen the video before. WOW! Kinda overwhelming. I like your pledge so much better. :)

LisaShaw said...

Hello James,

I absolutely love your wife, she's a beautiful presence online. I'm glad she is introducing us to your blog.

I stand in agreement with your message. You speak similarly to my own hubby. You may enjoy glancing at his blog at

I look forward to reading more as we pledge our lives to the LORD and His will.

Blessings and peace.